Nathan D. Gibson
POL 329 Policy Making in America
Co-Instructor: Charles Cameron
Spring 2022
This course provides a realistic introduction to how public policy is made in the United States. It examines how people and political institutions come together to create and implement public policy. The course combines cutting edge social science with cases, simulations, and role playing exercises to provide students with concrete skills and practical tools for actual policy making.
POL 325 The Presidency and Executive Power
Preceptor/Head Preceptor
Instructor: Lauren Wright
Fall 2018; Fall 2020
This upper-level politics class examines the development of the US Presidency through both an institutional and personal lens. The course is heavily discussion-based. Students begin with the constitutional foundations of the presidency then move through both classics of the political science literature as well as newer works, with a focus on application to current events.
POL 220 American Politics
Instructors: Paul Frymer and Sarah Staszak
Fall 2017
This intro-level politics course overviews the foundations of American politics. It is designed to introduce students to the study of American political institutions, processes, political behavior, and policymaking and to challenge students to consider how these various forces influence one another.